My Role: UX Designer
User Study
User Flow
Information Architecture
Visual System
User Study
User Flow
Information Architecture
Visual System
Team Collaborations:
Identify Goals & Requirements
Feature Matrix
A/B Testing
Identify Goals & Requirements
Feature Matrix
A/B Testing

Following General Assembly resolutions 70/305 and 71/323, the Department of General Assembly and Conference Management(DGACM) has implemented a major Journal revamping project, led by the department's Central Planning and Coordination Division, in partnership with the Documentation Division, the General Assembly and Economic and Social Council Affairs Division and the Information and Communications Technology Section, as well as other stakeholders from the United Nations Secretariat, programmes and funds.
The project's goal is to allow publication of the Journal in a way that meets the multilingualism requirement stipulated in Rule 55 of the Rules of procedure of the General Assembly in the most cost-efficient manner. In addition, it should better meet the needs of delegates and other Journal users and help overcome other challenges, including a considerable increase in volume over the past few years.

Project Brief
The new Journal has been produced in the six official languages, following General Assembly resolutions. The streamlined digital Journal offers many user-friendly features. It allows delegates and staff to check all meetings and events, in their language of choice, through their electronic devices, including smartphones.
The Underlying Journal Content Management System (JCMS), which contains several multilingual databases, including hundreds of pre-translated standard text templates and agenda items, is a platform shared by submitting departments and entities - across the Secretariat, Funds and Programmes – as well as the Journal Unit and translation services, to produce a six-language version of the Journal in a timely and cost-effective manner.

The general objective of the system is to transform the Journal into an online database, allowing all interested parties (submitters, Journal team, translators, consumers) to benefit from powerful database functionalities.

Feature Matrix: based on internal users' needs, as a team collaboration, we brainstormed the features of the journal platform.

Target Audience

User Flow
How users find a daily journal they need?
The production version is more complex than the graph shown below, since this is an internal project, the graph here is only a part of the whole user flow to show the idea behind scenes.
The production version is more complex than the graph shown below, since this is an internal project, the graph here is only a part of the whole user flow to show the idea behind scenes.

Paper Journal print daily

What's New?
The new product, which is compatible with mobile devices such as tablets and smart phones, presents an attractive look and user-friendly interface. The workflow, from submission to publication, has been streamlined and digitized. Content submission and processing, including review, editing, translation and formatting, are now done through a robust content management system. Its automation tools allow for production of the Journal using pre-translated standard text in the six official languages.
Final Product